HoS Application - Nako Starbell / Diamond_Plated
Sorry to say, I didn't recommend you, Nor did I suggest that you apply.
That said, It is not as though I view you poorly, or think you are insufficient somehow for HoS.
Rather, I do believe you need to carve out for yourself a good standing as a member of security.

I have no issue with you pairing with Khaaku. However, in doing so, it is difficult for you to stand out individually--You often allow Khaaku to do the talking, and the leading.
This is not bad, however as a result I don't know how you make decisions, how you react to situations, being as it is that you often simply follow Khaaku's direction.

It's not as though pairing with Khaaku is the problem, I simply recommend that you speak up.
Yes, Khaaku is more talkative/engaging. But you too, speak up and let us see what Nako can do.

In your application, there are certain things you say which speak "inexperience" to me.
I won't drone on too long about specifics. Be balanced and lead by example.
Don't become afraid if your team is "small/Mute." Guide them.

All said, I've witnessed nothing but good behavior from Nako, hardly any less impressive than his counterpart.
However, I have not been able to witness him display qualities befitting of an HoS.

My advice: Even now, before you're an HoS, display leadership, good judgement, and discipline your team.
While you have Supported Khaaku in these regards, I want to see Nako take the initiative in a similar manner.
I'm not saying to speak over Khaaku, challenge him, or attempt to undermine his authority.
Rather, Crew and Security shouldn't feel that if Nako alone is here, they don't have to worry about being disciplined.
They should know and understand that Nako, too, is capable and willing to act at the capacity of an HoS.

Again, I have no problem with you pairing with someone--plenty of HoS' recommend a battle-buddy, So anyone who says it's a problem, I don't know what to tell them. (As NTSO, even I follow the HoS around and act as his "battle-buddy"--there's nothing wrong with it. You're just supporting your team member.)

All said, I cannot support this. Not a bad secoff, just lacking in experience.

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RE: HoS Application - Nako Starbell / Diamond_Plated - by Chayot - 09-13-2021, 10:48 AM

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