HoS Application - Khaaku Starbell/Nova_Hero
Firstly I must concede, I've spoken to them privately and like them as a person.
Moreover, I have voiced support for them in the past; My opinion of them is high.
That said, I will attempt to remain unbiased in this post.

Played with Starbell for quite some time, frequently.
Overall, above-average SECOFF in every regard.

Haven't seen instances of abuse. Hasn't shown undue aggression. Willing to discipline, by force if necessary, their own team.
Decently robust in a fight. Most-often shows up to calls for help, or alerts. Still finds time to have fun interactions with the crew.

Prisoners are processed fairly, medical attention is given as necessary.
Prisoners are watched over and protected by Starbell, their needs are tended to and their concerns heard.

The only things I'd say Starbell is lacking in would be leadership--Perhaps he simply feels both inexperienced and unworthy to do so.
And I concede, he is fairly new and inexperienced overall.
However, I would encourage you to direct your team more, Starbell.
You have great response times to calls for help and alerts, however beyond reacting to threats,
take the offensive and guide your team to places they would be more effective. Rally the team.
Aside from that, he used to leave mid-round at times but that hasn't been an issue for a long while.

I have witnessed nothing but good behavior. While they may need experience in some regards, overall they have a strong base and a good attitude.
I must recommend them for Head of Security. +1.

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RE: HoS Application - Khaaku Starbell/Nova_Hero - by Chayot - 08-29-2021, 08:03 PM

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