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Hacking/ mechcomp secrets and tricks
What are your favorite gimmicks which either aren't on the wiki, or are practical or hilarious extensions of the available info?

I'll go first
Get 2 PDA's with packet senders, security cameras,  and a place where you won't get harassed,  the mechanic outpost backroom works great for this.
Set up the PDA's with fire alarm hacking,
one to open, one to close. Fire alarm packets don't have a range, and even work in different Z levels. Now you can terrorize the station with the fire alarms. The name of the target is always the name of the doors in the area.
If you're fast enough people can't open with a crowbar.
The best part about this scheme is that you can pick a specific victim, like HoS or captain and harass and trap them in dangerous situations

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Hacking/ mechcomp secrets and tricks - by quizmar - 08-14-2021, 05:22 PM

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