Complaint Lack of harshness in bans related to racism/bigotry
So not much has been said here that needs to be, and as someone whose majority of A helps is just sending quotes of a sexual or racist nature I know that this kind of shit can be rather uncomfortable. That said, there are some viewpoints to consider that I feel should be brought up.

Goons rules are considered noticeably strict in comparison to other servers. People sometimes come on here and will sometimes start calling Lizard men the "L" word (being the "L" word not because Loser but because it's the "N" word but hey it has the letter L as its starting word now aren't I clever). This is not a real slur. It's a slur aimed at a fictitious race oh scale skinned people that have tails and cold blood. But it's still not tolerated because it's just saying the "N" word. Most players just need to be told "Hey, just cause that shit flies on other servers doesn't mean we don't shoot it down here" and they apologize and stop.

Other considerations are that some of these people are just really edgy teens (as you might of pieced together reading through the various appeals) who will listen when some sort of authority gets involved. Or maybe they don't even know that what they said in the first place was racist (which has happened. I personally had no idea the Nazism bullshit that SS carried with it until I saw it in the Ban appeals, as I too had associated it with nothing but Naval Ships).

You get farther with people when you're understanding and willing to give them a chance. It's better, especially in a farty space man game, to give an asshole one chance too many than it is to irritate a reasonable person who might not have known any better.

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RE: Lack of harshness in bans related to racism/bigotry - by Technature - 07-28-2021, 09:47 AM

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