Complaint Lack of harshness in bans related to racism/bigotry
The rules aren't there to control what kind of people get to play here, they're there to safeguard everyone else's good time. If a player says something racist and I yell at him for it and he stops, then that's generally good enough. Same goes for ban appeals - it's not really about punishment or trying to change how people think.

In most cases, our response to rule violations progresses from warnings to short bans to longer and permanent bans, you're not really getting a nuclear response on your first infraction. This is the same for racism as it is for welderbombing. We only jump straight to longer or permanent bans in cases where someone's behavior is so far over the line (spamming chat with racist stuff, mass mailing TTVs all over the station, trying to cheat) that it's clear that they're not going to change their ways with a talking to and a quick time out. Someone making an off-color joke is unpleasant for everybody, but if the problem can be fixed without extreme measures it's definitely the better way to go.

This isn't an arbitrary decision on our part, either. We used to be very mean to people and had a reputation for coming down extremely hard for minor infractions for a pretty long time. We found it was making us into worse people and wasn't really reducing the number of probems we had to deal with.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Lack of harshness in bans related to racism/bigotry - by Souricelle - 07-27-2021, 04:17 PM

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