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Breaking out of pins is ridiculously difficult, and needs a tweak.
(07-01-2021, 01:02 AM)Carbadox Wrote: Its extremely easy to abuse pins by cheesing action bars. If you continuously run into a corner, trying to move out of the pin doesnt work and almost certainly secures a successfull pin. We already have cuffs so I dont even think pins should be a "game over" state and should be considerably nerfed

99% of the time if your disarming them, spamming resist, and trying to walk out, youll break free.

Imo, pins arent “super easy” and if you have any sort of stamina damage weapon you can even stamcrit someone faster then they can pin you. Theres like a million counters to not being pinned.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Breaking out of pins is ridiculously difficult, and needs a tweak. - by Froggit_Dogget - 07-01-2021, 09:07 AM

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