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Breaking out of pins is ridiculously difficult, and needs a tweak.
Very much agree with this statement. the fact someone who is "faster" than you for reasons (Health slowdown, robot legs, drugs) can grab you, and whislt you are mashing resist, hold sprint against a wall, and use this to initiate a pin seems silly. You can try to sprint away from a wall but generally this will not work, especially if you are in a corner with two or more blocks in either direction from the corner.

My other problem with pins is that you can pin someone with only one hand. It is my understanding the main justification when pins were added was for multiple people vs one combat, where one person could pin a player whilst the others dealt with them. The fact you can hold someone who is struggling down with one hand, whilst you are "standing" (ie able to use your other hand for other actions) doesnt make much sense to me.

In my opinion pinning a player should send you both prone, whilst giving you a special undroppable (droppable by player, but not droppable by going prone) pin status in your primary hand. How are you pinning someone to the ground, using one hand, whilst standing up?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Breaking out of pins is ridiculously difficult, and needs a tweak. - by NOOT - 07-01-2021, 02:11 AM

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