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Assistant Traitor Item: Crime Gloves
I like the concept here. A sort of pickpocket/theivery glove sounds like it's right up traitor SA's alley.

I don't think that tying it to the crime reagent is a good idea though, better to just make the gloves do things on their own. What I'm imagining for these gloves is a "fingerless gloves" mode and an "insulated/combat" mode where you's switch between them by using em in-hand:

Fingerless, they help you steal better, maybe let you see what is in a pocket before you try to steal it. Or let you look into someone's backpack or belt, and possibly steal from that too, with a somewhat longer timer than normal pickpocketing. I guess normal pickpocketing would hide the action bar, idk about if anyone added picking from backpacks or whatnot...

Insulated/combat, give you a bit of melee protection plus hot/cold in addition to the insulation. Possibly increase punch damage a touch?

Idk, I'm a fan of dual purpose items. Maybe the insul/combat mode isn't interesting enough to be on its own. I kinda had that thought because any "gloves" that are thick enough insulate you would probably be far less good at letting your fingies move as dexterously as they could with no gloves. Thus, fingerless gloves + full gloves, like those mittens that can flip back to be fingerless gloves.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Assistant Traitor Item: Crime Gloves - by kyle2143 - 06-26-2021, 11:58 PM

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