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Split the nukeops utility purchase into two
I never take noslips. I always get the donk. A second chance is way better then dying cuz someone shot you or something. Walk works fine, be cautious and robust with your movement. Also the knife is really pog rn, but its extra move speed is hell for slipping. I used it once going on a lap around donut3 shooting everyone but it probably wouldnt be very practical with a team you cant trust to defend the nuke. Then honestly you should get a pouch of sarin grenades. Just one isnt worth a util. Syndie fanny pack would be good if it had an insane number of storage slots. Storage is a common issue in nukies, so to just solve that problem with util would be huge. The balloon nuke should be plantable anywhere on station and give the real message, because rn it has no use

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RE: Split the nukeops utility purchase into two - by Froggit_Dogget - 06-26-2021, 07:09 PM

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