06-25-2021, 12:44 PM
(06-25-2021, 12:11 PM)RGBDeadSilent Wrote: On the holy water issue, I think Holy Water needs to be hit with the same change that Styptic powder got hit with. Splashing more than 10u of Holy Water on the vampire only does the 10u splash of them chem on them. This stops either borgs with 3 beakers of the stuff from instantly deleting a vampire, or someone with a fuel can splashing the whole 400u on them and instantly deleting them.
The counter to this is, is that now the vampires one weakness is severely weakened, so we kinda need a new weakness. Right now Werewolves have many weaknesses. Aconite can be placed on the floor and a werewolf can't walk past it, aconite striking a wolf does tox damage, and maybe some disorient? And a werewolf shot by a silver bullet takes the normal foreign objects issue, but also takes tox and burn damage over time, maybe something like this could work out for vampires.
Vampires cannot cross a puddle of holy water? Or maybe if the bible is laid on the ground the vampire cannot walk over it? Maybe you can make a wreath of garlic and place it over a doorway, now the vampire can't batform through said doorway, finally... FINALLY A WAY TO LOCK A VAMPIRE IN THE BRIG!
Somehow putting wooden stakes in the game in some fashion to disable a vampire for awhile would be nice too. Maybe if you stake a vampire it KO's them and disables stun cancel. But... making staking a vampire instant would be ass, and its impossible to get a vampire to sit still with stun cancel so you can't make staking the vampire an action bar, its an issue, and this is a discussion thread, so any ideas on this would be nice.
how about you cant just click on them with it, you have to yeet it at them from some amount of distance, that should make it a challenge but not impossible