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[CLOSED PR] Adds the ak-744 as a rare drop from surplus crates
We are talking about a surplus crate though, which vary between totally useless and completely overpowered. So I don't think it would be out there with nerfs.

I get hesitation over lethal weapons because it is often a dead end for fun and roleplay, a traitor with a chameleon disguiser has a lot more potential than a gun. However, the nature of being a traitor relies on some level being able to resist capture or death at the hands of the crew or sec. Also think there is some blindness to the fact that you can't force players to act in a creative way, even with the current TC lethal items traitors heavily use bombs, poisons, chems and fires because they are usually safer and more effective than a revolver or shotgun.

Totally on board with a need for it to be significantly nerfed first.

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RE: [CLOSED PR] Adds the ak-744 as a rare drop from surplus crates - by Katzen - 06-17-2021, 12:11 AM

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