06-13-2021, 11:03 AM
As a note I would prefer for the AI to be able to set off the nuclear charge on its own, but definitely not as quietly as just packet hacking it. Noticeable enough to the point where it's risky, but not so loud as to make it impossible or too difficult to hide.
IMO, good game design rewards the player for doing difficult things, and hiding potentially obvious things is not easy. And, conversely, noticing things that someone is trying to hide can be similarly difficult, and stopping a nuke from going off is pretty damn rewarding. 'Things' is very broad, so as an example of one thing an AI may have to do to initiate a nuclear charge timer: Select several APCs to turn a very obvious color, wherein the AI's core will start trying to send packets to the APC (as it is actually network-enabled!), and as long as the packets are retrieved, progress will be made.
This presents 2 vulnerabilities for the AI to get ratted out: Anyone walking by those APCs/viewing them on camera, and anyone doing packet sniffing (the packets should be EXTREMELY obvious and loud and glaringly caps-locked) will notice that the AI is trying to set a nuke off.
This is all assuming manual charge detonation will require primarily human assistance/work.
IMO, good game design rewards the player for doing difficult things, and hiding potentially obvious things is not easy. And, conversely, noticing things that someone is trying to hide can be similarly difficult, and stopping a nuke from going off is pretty damn rewarding. 'Things' is very broad, so as an example of one thing an AI may have to do to initiate a nuclear charge timer: Select several APCs to turn a very obvious color, wherein the AI's core will start trying to send packets to the APC (as it is actually network-enabled!), and as long as the packets are retrieved, progress will be made.
This presents 2 vulnerabilities for the AI to get ratted out: Anyone walking by those APCs/viewing them on camera, and anyone doing packet sniffing (the packets should be EXTREMELY obvious and loud and glaringly caps-locked) will notice that the AI is trying to set a nuke off.
This is all assuming manual charge detonation will require primarily human assistance/work.