06-09-2021, 12:35 PM
I think captagonists are good, but tend to be boring because they can usually very easily accomplish their objectives without even buying any traitor gear.
I recommend that captain traitors be given (in addition to normal traitor goals) a pool of really over the top objectives that take advantage of their position. Some ideas off the top of my head:
Neutralize the entire security team
Destroy as much of the station as possible
Convince the crew to abandon their posts and defect from Nanotrasen (might only be good for an RP objective as this blurs antag lines)
Divert the PTL to a Syndicate relay and keep it running for at least ten minutes (this might leave obvious clues of some kind to tip Security off?)
Convert more than half the crew, willing or not, to (a randomly selected mutantrace)
Frame (another randomly selected head) for your crimes and see that they are imprisoned or neutralized
Disrupt station productivity in all departments with as many frivolous distractions as possible (not tracked, but imagine the captain ordering 100 clown suits and reassigning everyone to clown)
I recommend that captain traitors be given (in addition to normal traitor goals) a pool of really over the top objectives that take advantage of their position. Some ideas off the top of my head:
Neutralize the entire security team
Destroy as much of the station as possible
Convince the crew to abandon their posts and defect from Nanotrasen (might only be good for an RP objective as this blurs antag lines)
Divert the PTL to a Syndicate relay and keep it running for at least ten minutes (this might leave obvious clues of some kind to tip Security off?)
Convert more than half the crew, willing or not, to (a randomly selected mutantrace)
Frame (another randomly selected head) for your crimes and see that they are imprisoned or neutralized
Disrupt station productivity in all departments with as many frivolous distractions as possible (not tracked, but imagine the captain ordering 100 clown suits and reassigning everyone to clown)