Hos Application zombikilla1012 (alex diaz)
I've played with you a bit and I think I can safely say that while your a fun player and seem generally helpful and well meaning that I don't think you'd be ready for HoS as I don't see you play security all that much(But that may be because I don't pay attention to jobs all the time) and it's not really a job to just try out. I could see you becoming an good candidate for HoS but I think currently it's a bit early for you to apply. It's possible I've missed something and I'll try to watch and see you in game and I might change this to a +1 but for now I'm going to say indifferent because you need a bit more experience.

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RE: Hos Application zombikilla1012 (alex diaz) - by Drewmajor11 - 06-09-2021, 09:49 AM

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