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Security Cameras Recording Stuff
the system as described wouldn't log movements or descriptions of people, just the stuff you see in the chatbox. so speaking, attacking, grabbing, disarming, resisting, stuffing into a locker.. stuff like that. the game currently logs some movements (like if you push someone into a fire) but its obviously not practical to log every step people take

a potential middle ground is to have logs make a note every time someone enters an area (areas defined as stuff like "chapel" or "aft maintenance corridor" or "wizard's den") and record the timestamp and coordinates, I think this wouldn't be processor expensive cause there's a built-in proc that already fires any time you enter a defined "area." it'd be kinda clumsy and maybe confusing to anyone reading the log data so mehh

having doors log user data from IDs used to open them would be a good way to supplement the info though. if a person in disguise wordlessly beat up someone in a room the security camera log would just be stuff like "Unknown punches Victim!" over and over again, pretty useless by itself, but from the log you'd know the time of the attack and could work from there

the super cool sly criminals will of course insist that their victim be the one to open the door to let them into the secluded murderzone so there is no record of their ID being used....

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