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Give us some ideas for RP-friendly game modes/antagonists
After a particularly interesting changeling gimmick I ran on RP, I had an idea for a new antag. It'd play something alike the headspider mode of the changeling, only you'd have no ways to kill people as one and you'd be extremely vulnerable. Crawling into people wouldn't give you control, but would let you talk to them. Your presence in people would give them a few powers, such as regeneration and you'd have abilities to help them out, but no abilities to kill or control them. So you'd have to hide inside people, roleplay with them to let you live inside them, maybe coerce or manipulate them into it. If they try to surgery you out, maybe you'd have an ability to stun them and get ejected out so you can find another host. Not sure what the end objective would be. Survival only? Convincing people to steal objects?

I had great fun roleplaying as a headspider and giving full control to the person I jumped into and roleplaying as just an observer riding along while giving them a few powers.

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RE: Give us some ideas for RP-friendly game modes/antagonists - by Varali - 06-02-2021, 08:36 AM

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