05-29-2021, 05:51 AM
(05-28-2021, 06:16 PM)Froggit_Dogget Wrote: However; When I see them as non-sec, I have had a few "wtf" moments with them in recent memory. The first; They walked in on me vamping someone as a staffie, and said something along the lines of "Me next!". I told them quite colorfully to go away, and once they left then they ratted me out. Then, today even, they were a revhead, and went afk in a tree in the owlery for 20 minutes, until an admin killed them and ended the round. These are just two that I can remember off the top of my head. While these arent super bad experiences, its definetly something to note.I did apologize for being afk yesterday I didnt know it was gonna take that long. And yes abt the vamp thing, i can be "wtf" sometimes i admit it but never as security i only play security when im maybe even too serious,i dont joke a lot with that job.
i did say "me next!" but completely as to have u think "wtf was that" and i see it worked (i do that from time to time as staffie and most of the time when i join late. I did tell sec u were a vamp after that tho.
I dont if it can be badĀ if i do those "wtf" things tho. (they dont happen that often anyway)
Thank you for your coment!