05-26-2021, 07:20 PM
Some thoughts on the mining:
1. Either give the space suits rad immunity, or create a miner role which is worse in combat stats but gets rad resist on their armor. Having to juggle indy armor sucks (and means you aren't representing your team fashion-wise), and getting mutations can kinda screw the balance of the mode- I saw two people in the last round roll fire resistance, which is just goofy. The fact that the chem dispensers are so jacked means radiation is never an actual issue, just a minor annoyance, and I don't see it adding anything to this mode.
2. Some kind of a shared storage for fabs would be very nice. I get the idea of having multiple fabs- speeds up printing ship/mining parts- but as is everyone just shoves all the mats in one, and as a result that's the only fab that gets used. Another issue was that with the amount of fabricators around the ship (including the medical, genfab, and nanofabs, 10?) I would oftentimes have to check the storage on every one to make sure nobody had shoved a stack of bohrum somewhere obscure and forgotten about it. Organization breaks down VERY easily (if it was ever there in the first place), so some system to distribute mats between fabs automatically would make things much smoother. Thinking about it a bit more, it also felt like the reclaimers always went missing- maybe having an anchored material processor in mining which sent the ores to some space-bullshit-magic-ore-storage would work.
3. Less useless ores. There's nothing (to my knowledge) that you can actually do with gold, syreline, or cobryl, outside of using them as last-ditch fabricator fuel, and there were a TON of these kinds of ores in both magnet asteroids and the ones scattered around. I get that that's part of mining- not everything you find is useful- but with the massive material requirements of this mode, I think the spawn rates for stuff like bohrum, mauxite, and pharosium should be adjusted upwards a bit. Also, the need for telecrystals for so many higher-tier items (and grenades) is a bit odd, considering how random they are to find.
Overall, mining feels pretty rewarding to me. The insane material costs of higher tier pods, jetpacks, etc mean that you're always busy, and you have to stay on your toes to avoid getting shot by passing pods. Still, the overall lack of organization can be painful, and I'd love some QoL changes to make things run a bit smoother.
Also, there isn't really a... I don't know what to call it, so let's say "power curve" with mining in this gamemode. It doesn't feel like, at 75+ minutes in, we're dueling with more powerful stuff than at 15 minutes. In fact, in the 1 round I played, we ran out of decent materials around 45 minutes and just never got more. and we WON! The whole framework of mining isn't really built to support a slow ramp up in stuff you find and stuff you can build, but I think it would be more interesting if mining could obtain some things at, say, 45 minutes, that they couldn't before. Give them something to work towards rather than 'stick mats in fab -> person builds hi-tech pod -> go get more mats'. Maybe put some nanite asteroids around the map that people would have to gear up to mine, or increase the amount of good materials closer to the center of the map so you can work towards stronger equipment to be able to mine in the more dangerous areas. I think mining in regular rounds has this problem as well, but it's exacerbated in a round which is both longer and more combat-focused.
1. Either give the space suits rad immunity, or create a miner role which is worse in combat stats but gets rad resist on their armor. Having to juggle indy armor sucks (and means you aren't representing your team fashion-wise), and getting mutations can kinda screw the balance of the mode- I saw two people in the last round roll fire resistance, which is just goofy. The fact that the chem dispensers are so jacked means radiation is never an actual issue, just a minor annoyance, and I don't see it adding anything to this mode.
2. Some kind of a shared storage for fabs would be very nice. I get the idea of having multiple fabs- speeds up printing ship/mining parts- but as is everyone just shoves all the mats in one, and as a result that's the only fab that gets used. Another issue was that with the amount of fabricators around the ship (including the medical, genfab, and nanofabs, 10?) I would oftentimes have to check the storage on every one to make sure nobody had shoved a stack of bohrum somewhere obscure and forgotten about it. Organization breaks down VERY easily (if it was ever there in the first place), so some system to distribute mats between fabs automatically would make things much smoother. Thinking about it a bit more, it also felt like the reclaimers always went missing- maybe having an anchored material processor in mining which sent the ores to some space-bullshit-magic-ore-storage would work.
3. Less useless ores. There's nothing (to my knowledge) that you can actually do with gold, syreline, or cobryl, outside of using them as last-ditch fabricator fuel, and there were a TON of these kinds of ores in both magnet asteroids and the ones scattered around. I get that that's part of mining- not everything you find is useful- but with the massive material requirements of this mode, I think the spawn rates for stuff like bohrum, mauxite, and pharosium should be adjusted upwards a bit. Also, the need for telecrystals for so many higher-tier items (and grenades) is a bit odd, considering how random they are to find.
Overall, mining feels pretty rewarding to me. The insane material costs of higher tier pods, jetpacks, etc mean that you're always busy, and you have to stay on your toes to avoid getting shot by passing pods. Still, the overall lack of organization can be painful, and I'd love some QoL changes to make things run a bit smoother.
Also, there isn't really a... I don't know what to call it, so let's say "power curve" with mining in this gamemode. It doesn't feel like, at 75+ minutes in, we're dueling with more powerful stuff than at 15 minutes. In fact, in the 1 round I played, we ran out of decent materials around 45 minutes and just never got more. and we WON! The whole framework of mining isn't really built to support a slow ramp up in stuff you find and stuff you can build, but I think it would be more interesting if mining could obtain some things at, say, 45 minutes, that they couldn't before. Give them something to work towards rather than 'stick mats in fab -> person builds hi-tech pod -> go get more mats'. Maybe put some nanite asteroids around the map that people would have to gear up to mine, or increase the amount of good materials closer to the center of the map so you can work towards stronger equipment to be able to mine in the more dangerous areas. I think mining in regular rounds has this problem as well, but it's exacerbated in a round which is both longer and more combat-focused.