05-26-2021, 03:32 PM
the syndicate red flame pods would still look cool and unique if they had a black body instead of a blue one(and would be less confusing) - the NT blue flame pods are all blue, fitting their colors, red and black would work well for syndicate
more classes - maybe syndie/nt miners, syndie/nt mechanics/podsmiths, syndie/nt medics(maybe with a syringe gun you can fill with healchems?)
if those had toolbelts it would need to be sure that the pistols cannot fit in belts - the current biggest weakness of jetpacks is you can only carry a handful of items, changing that would just make the jetpack pistol meta stronger
making shotgun pod weapons cheaper would offer a straightforward counter to the jetpack meta, but maybe have them be worse against pods?
default pod weapons should probably be stronger so there's a reason to use them
the disruptor array(i think that's what it's called, the big one that shoots loud red shots) should more reliably destroy grilles, currently it's cool as hell and good against pods even if the dps sucks, but not being able to break grilles reliably despite destroying walls and windows makes it less interesting and powerful
fortuna is easily the best, most fun station to fight around - lots of doors and windows, it's well lit, it's a blast. in contrast, UVB is dark and somehow both spread out and claustrophobic - it's not super fun to fight around. Maybe if it had a chem dispenser and some lights(even if you had to deploy the lights), it'd be more fun. unsure.
more classes - maybe syndie/nt miners, syndie/nt mechanics/podsmiths, syndie/nt medics(maybe with a syringe gun you can fill with healchems?)
if those had toolbelts it would need to be sure that the pistols cannot fit in belts - the current biggest weakness of jetpacks is you can only carry a handful of items, changing that would just make the jetpack pistol meta stronger
making shotgun pod weapons cheaper would offer a straightforward counter to the jetpack meta, but maybe have them be worse against pods?
default pod weapons should probably be stronger so there's a reason to use them
the disruptor array(i think that's what it's called, the big one that shoots loud red shots) should more reliably destroy grilles, currently it's cool as hell and good against pods even if the dps sucks, but not being able to break grilles reliably despite destroying walls and windows makes it less interesting and powerful
fortuna is easily the best, most fun station to fight around - lots of doors and windows, it's well lit, it's a blast. in contrast, UVB is dark and somehow both spread out and claustrophobic - it's not super fun to fight around. Maybe if it had a chem dispenser and some lights(even if you had to deploy the lights), it'd be more fun. unsure.