05-25-2021, 06:18 PM
That was fun but, I think there should be some variation between teams and it might be better to make pods bought with currency since they take long enough to build I wasn't even bothering to build them. I just took emergency pods and jetpacks and dual wielded but it felt a bit like fighting cookie cutter enemies for 2 hours since they had the same gear as us and only a few people were making good pods. I feel like a point redemption system might be better for some of this though, also for more players it might be better to have multiple bases or just a room of fabricators. I think there needs to be an body cleanup and some way to reduce the sheer amount of lag from lasers at lodbrok and stuff, I got shot at by like 6 pods and 4-6 turrets and insta crashed. I feel like more gear variety would also be nice, makeable or buyable, either way.