HoS Application - Rebecca Frost
Rebecca Frost is a personal favorite of mine. I have served alongside them extensively. Not only does the name bring to mind an image of a Pink-frosted cupcake, they have been nothing but helpful and pleasant to have on the team. Never have I seen them abuse crew or utilize unwarranted force. I would certainly attest to their diligence and reliability with regard to security matters. They are someone that, When I see them putting a prisoner in the brig, I can simply walk away knowing very well that the prisoner will have all their needs taken care of. Rebecca keeps in radio contact plenty, often relegating himself to a "desk-position," coordinating with the entire Security-team, handling requests at the front desk, keeping the department secure, all until needed on the frontlines.

I can support this application. +1.

While I am granting a "Yes", I would like to see more leadership from you.
Intervene in behalf of prisoners. Save the crew from the abusive officers. Give orders.
In spite of neither having the rank, nor authority, assume the position and assert yourself.
Your authority is only your ability to enforce your will. Utilize your weaponry to carry it out.

Moreover, I feel you could benefit from employing much more effective methods for dealing with no-gooders.
While words are nice, words don't stop greytiders, criminals, nor rouge officers. Use your weapons.
They're only stuns, nobody will get hurt so long as you do a good job.

Messages In This Thread
HoS Application - Rebecca Frost - by zcrow - 05-19-2021, 12:21 PM
RE: HoS Application - Rebecca Frost - by Chayot - 05-23-2021, 03:23 PM
RE: HoS Application - Rebecca Frost - by Flourish - 06-27-2021, 03:28 PM

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