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Some Trash Compactor/Meatcube Change Ideas
Some ideas I had and frustrations from using the traitor trash compactor janitor item, from a few rounds of using it to some degree of success. I noticed that people would often instantly grab the cart (somehow) and run as far away with it as possible before they inevitably gib from being meat-cubed, all while shouting the name of the individual who meat-cubed them. Another instance of a weird issue I had was with meat-cubes being able to completely block a door and I won't be able to pass through it. One final small quality of life issue I notice is that the trash cart shouldn't open up after it cubes someone and dump their items on the ground, it should just dump the cube of meat on the ground, but keep all the items in the cart.

So some ideas:
Meatcubes are incapable of pulling items like the trash cart.
When a meatcube tries to speak, it only says "The meatcube tries to speak but it can only manage a gurgle"
You can cut the meatcube's gibbing timer short but just hitting them with a mop to gib them instantly, or it can shorten the timer.
Trash carts do not open when dumping out a meatcube.

First suggestion post on the forum by Duke Duke Nukem

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Some Trash Compactor/Meatcube Change Ideas - by Jakson - 05-10-2021, 05:53 PM

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