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Potential Change(s) of Balance for the Skeleton Trait
Wait, another idea to tie in tie in with the skeleton falling apart, i.e. dying.

To go along with the no cloning, what if instead in order to revive the skele-man would just need their body put back together, to like reassemble the skeleton and then possibly needing an item, like the bible to be used on the assembled skeleton. Or some other item, or maybe the skeleton makes something their phylactery, and that is what is needed to revive them.

And this would still work for traitors and the like, they would just need to cut of/pick up one of the body parts or the phylactery, preventing the revive!

No idea how hard this would be to code, but it would probably not be the hardest thing to do, based on my limited experience.

Edit: If the Bible idea is more appealing, I would think it would only be fitting and balanced if the Chaplain, i.e. someone with Chaplain training, must be the one wielding the bible, performing the ceremony. If the chaplain is not the one doing it, maybe there would be a chance for it to fail miserably, making it into a hostile AI skeleton, summoning some foul being, putting a different dead person in that body, or just failing outright.

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RE: Potential Change(s) of Balance for the Skeleton Trait - by CommaIndividual - 05-09-2021, 10:42 PM

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