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[MERGED PR] Cloners no longer give people health implants
So, I dislike the idea of making it harder for people to stay in a round. However, I also dislike the idea of how quickly everyone is alerted to when you kill someone with a health implant. As such, I propose the following:

Either nothing is done, which is honestly fine - killing people should be a challenge anyways - or two kinds of health implants should be made available. The current health implant should be an 'upgraded' version of sorts, made by fabricators, whereas the scanner implants a patient with a cheaper implant that has the same features, minus the PDA death alerts. Same ability to track health, both from the cloner and medical records, but no alerts at all.

I personally would prefer for this to not be merged and things to remain unchanged; however, this is a compromise if there is enough pull by the community to reduce how much of a guarantee to stay in the round clone scanning is.

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RE: [PR] Cloners no longer give people health implants - by aft2001 - 05-08-2021, 06:07 PM

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