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I think it's time to retire revolution
i like revs, it encourages people to take sides, the conversion mechanics are cool and enable a wider swath of the station to get involved in fights.

It would be great if revs/headrevs had a channel they could communicate on, maybe with a mechanic where de-revved revs get a message upon conversion like "you don't remember who the headrevs/revs were" to prevent "deconvert a rev and force them to reveal the headrevs"

maybe to speed things along there could be announcements made at later times (30, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60)in the round with the heads and headrev's locations(name and x/y coords) to encourage play that isn't "hide somewhere" - it could be handwaved as a "End the uprising protocol that uses the ai tracking to determine locations" if you wanted an in-universe reason for it

the "station gets flooded with radiation" random event should probably be disabled on revs too - since it encourages people to stay in one place it really slows down the round

maybe some of the more "encourage fights" items should be buffed - the rev-sign doesn't see much play ever despite being good, maybe if it was stronger you'd encounter more revs picking it and getting into large scale fights, especially if they had a channel to coordinate it on?

Messages In This Thread
I think it's time to retire revolution - by Mouse - 05-07-2021, 04:46 PM
RE: I think it's time to retire revolution - by coolvape - 05-08-2021, 01:29 PM

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