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remove beeswax from the cloning pod materials requirements
i think beeswax should be removed from the cloning pod requirements (maybe to be replaced with a different material, idk)

several reasons:
1. i don't think it really makes death in-game matter more, it just makes the one extant cloning pod super valuable
2. i don't think most players are even aware of how to get beeswax, and you rarely see anyone actually producing honey(at least on classic?), so replacing a cloning pod generally requires ordering a honey production kit and taking the time to produce honey, time most players won't actually invest in something that helps potential future dead people.
3. losing a cloner already loses all records in that cloner, and records aren't shared between cloners. Making a new cloner still leaves a good chunk of people perma-dead while possibly letting potential future dead people be revived, so death still matters
4. the syndicate item "mindslave cloning module" - actually using this item requires producing/acquiring beeswax to make a full cloning setup, which can be easily destroyed if people find it. That's multiple departments to raid just to make one traitor item work(mechanics, QM/botany), and the people who can get this item don't have access to any of them - no other traitor item requires that level of setup to work. Most people will just eat the 4 tc cost difference and take the full kit, or more likely, choose a different item. This item(and the kit) are already rarely used, and making cloners easier to produce on one's own would let this kit shine a little more.  The kit would still be a good deal even if cloners were slightly easier to produce, as the production on the 7tc cloning module would still require acquiring the materials and getting the schematics from the ruck kit.

dunno what other people think on this

Messages In This Thread
remove beeswax from the cloning pod materials requirements - by coolvape - 05-04-2021, 10:17 PM

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