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[MERGED PR] prevent unscrewing the nuclear bomb from nukeops mode
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About the PR

removes the ability to unanchor the nuke once it's been anchored

Why's this needed?

this is very often done by crew members and helpful borgs, not
realizing that the nukies will steal the nuke and hide it in a pod, the
listening post, or really any other random spot on the station Z level that
is difficult to find within the now-reduced time period

or a borg will zip zop zoom on in, unscrew the nuke, and then
zoom off station to hide it in another z-level. the nukies then just
kinda sit there a bit dumbfounded, unsure what to do

instantly it turns the mode from being a king of the
hill to a hide-and-seek kind of game, which does not seem to
be the intention of this game mode


(*)Removes the ability to unanchor the nuclear bomb once it's been anchored


Messages In This Thread
[MERGED PR] prevent unscrewing the nuclear bomb from nukeops mode - by github_bot - 05-02-2021, 03:38 PM

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