Mentor Application - Bartimeus973 (2nd application)
When I was new to the game Crimsoncrest was one of the more notable characters to me and someone I looked up to. Bartimeus has a good understanding of how to play the role of antagonist and is one I absolutely love seeing play such roles because they know when and when not to go overboard and have come up with some great gimmicks to make the round really enjoyable. My favourite memory was a silly mad scientist gimmick that involved them removing my arm and leg when I was MD to see if 'I would preform half as well with half my limbs' they RP'd it so well and I was crying from laughing the entire time. In terms of knowledge they have a great understanding of a range of roles, I've seen them in multiple departments and doing a great job in each of them, and they also do great when playing command roles, especially captain as they interact with multiple departments and will assist them if they need help. I think their general attitude is amazing and that they would do great when teaching as they are kind and patient with people. I think they will do a great job especially when teaching antagonist roles to those who wish to learn them and RP them well enough for others to enjoy because as said they do an amazing job at it themselves!

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RE: Mentor Application - Bartimeus973 (2nd application) - by NapsWasTaken - 04-22-2021, 12:53 AM

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