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Spy rework mega thread
this is just a copy paste of my previous sugesstion:

Spy's have long been known as some of the less interesting antagonists, many have talked of how to change them, I figured I'd throw my hat into the ring.

I think the way spy's could be made most interesting, is if there were various spy factions, (INCLUDING NANOTRASION SPYS) each with a light amount of equipment, with each faction having specific gear (along with generic gear all factions share), and each with having faction specific goals. (generic ones still existing for all factions)

each faction would have goals that all members share, acting together to achieve, perhaps individual members could also have their own individual goals that other members dont share.

Aside from gear, spy's could have code words to identify each other, each faction having its own codes, but there's a catch, other factions can have intercepted other factions codes, leading to a team antag game mode, where you cant fully trust your team. (ex, syndicate spys know the wizard federations code, wizard spys know nanotrasion spys objectivities)

Now getting to the nanotrasion spys, these would essentially be double agents that are trying to undermine enemy spys from the inside
...or... are they spys trying to get into securitys good graces by selling another faction out, or even their members of their own faction for the good of the whole?
they would have equipment of other factions, and would also have spy objectives that would be seen as "destructive" to the station. nanotrasion spys could also have objectives such as handing the captains data disk now loaded with a virus to the syndicates ( or handing them a entirely fake one), but they also have kill the research director to "allow central command to appoint a new, more competent head"
Essentialy, getting crossed by a nanotrasion spy could prevent the antagonists from achieving all their goals, but just because they work for nanotrasion, doesnt mean that they're not doing things the station dislikes.

Ultimately, I think that by making spy's a game mode of deception and factions, would make it a far more unique and fun game mode than it is currently.

Messages In This Thread
Spy rework mega thread - by Rilor - 04-17-2021, 06:23 PM
RE: Spy rework - by Theunsolved-puzzle - 04-17-2021, 06:25 PM

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