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I remember a round back on mushroom where I tased and brigged some dude for busting into security to beat the wizard who was in jail into crit. As I was putting the jerk in jail, who was making a racket saying I was rogue, the wizard succumbed and the round ended. I got jeered at by alot of people in ooc but I stood by what I did.
Much more recently, I brigged a dude for shoving the critical wiz into the enzymatic reclaimer, after me screaming at him not to, yet he still goddamn activated it. But this time around the support was resounding against the dude who did it, and he was pretty much labelled a murderer.
My point is that attitudes have changed, sure you can kill someone in self defense but it appears generally frowned upon by the majority to murder someone who is already subdued, or to murder someone going about their business not actually murdering people themselves but is a known/suspected traitor.

If this thread serves any purpose, it wouldn't be towards the minority vigilantes as really they'll learn what they're doing and why it's wrong over time from having their rounds messed up by people of their own kind when they roll traitor. Perhaps people who play security/HoS often could crack down a little harder on their kind, perhaps they'll get the picture sooner.

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