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[CLOSED PR] Removes the cyalumes saber ability to deflect projectiles
SMH imagine not just taking your armored sec butt up to that dang nerd and spam disarming them? I have legit done this as a detective with only an armor vest against a saber armed scinerd on stims, guess how many casualties happened besides me and the saber nerd (their micros/macro aside)? maybe one, from before I arrived on the scene. The saber is way weaker than people think, and if every saber nerd was met with a group of three people spamming disarm on them, they'd lose every time.

That said I do think it's very silly that the c-saber does insane amounts of bleed, when the weapon it's based on (the lightsaber from star wars) literally cauterizes as it cuts, and the blade is a projection of energy by focusing light through a crystal. remove the bleed, maybe give it a very minor bonus against armor, and otherwise leave it as is, and I think it'd be perfectly fine.

But if you absolutely want a change to the deflect, maybe make it so the deflect has a maybe 1/10 chance of reflecting the shot back and otherwise dissipates the energy of the projectile or melts the bullet away. Also possibly put the deflection on a cooldown of 3-5 seconds or cancel block after a deflect, to actually justify the use of burst fire taser, or boost the taser SMG.

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RE: [PR] Removes the cyalumes saber ability to deflect projectiles - by Drago156 - 04-10-2021, 09:18 PM

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