Mentor Application - LT3 (Skyy Keiino)
Herb already sandwiched a comment in here, but I just wanted to comment again and say a little more since I was so brief and I feel like that doesn't speak to everything you do: I've seen you doing the exact thing you mentioned in teaching people gamemechanics in medbay, and I think that approach to learning by doing is so, so good; it's something that sticks with people.

Also that others have even chimed in through multiple platforms to say that you, specifically, not only have taught them something in-game but made them feel valuable and meaningful. I think you're a fantastic candidate for mentor, and didn't want these odds and ends to go unsung

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RE: Mentor Application - LT3 (Skyy Keiino) - by nefarious6th - 04-09-2021, 07:56 AM

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