Mentor Application - Ihaveteeth (Has Teeth/NeuNet)
Chemtrails is knowledgeable in a range of areas especially when it comes to QM, botany, and AI. My experiences with them personally have been pleasant but recently there was an incident with who I believe was a newer player coming into genetics, I can't remember the exact words directed at them because my memory is awful but it left me with a bad taste in my mouth, I'm not sure if it was Teeth's character being portrayed in a poor way or if Chem was having a bad day but I felt real bad for the player. I really hope it was just a one-off thing because I think Chem would do great teaching the newer players especially when teaching AI as Neunet is one of my favourite to see.

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RE: Mentor Application - Ihaveteeth (Has Teeth/NeuNet) - by NapsWasTaken - 04-08-2021, 07:49 AM

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