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[MERGED PR] adds o2 and XL air mixcanisters to QM purchase list
Being able to buy O2 canisters would be super useful(mostly for pipeburns) - some maps have more and some have less, but for example cog1 engineering only comes with 2 o2 canisters, and a good chunk of that generally gets used to fill emergency oxy tanks. It would be nice to be able to buy more oxy canisters to keep things like that going.
The cost doesn't feel like it really makes a lot of sense for me, though. An XL air canister, which holds 42000 units of air only costs 8000, but the o2 can costs 10000 despite holding 1/4 of the oxygen an xl air can holds.
Don't see a reason o2 cans really need to be that expensive - there's not some tremendous harm they could cause and it wouldn't be unbalanced for them to be cheaper.

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RE: [PR] adds o2 and XL air mixcanisters to QM purchase list - by coolvape - 04-07-2021, 07:04 PM

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