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[PR] Increases price of CSaber from 18 to 35 materials.
While sure some things have horrible costs, it's not the total mat cost that really hinders anyone, it's when it started requiring harder to get mats, generally only gotten from mining that you stop people. Sure you can make sabers 35 total of each base starter mat, but that's nothing if they're actively being supplied mats through cargo anyhow. That said I also don't know how I feel about making sabers require harder to get mats. As it is you have to have said saber and a syndie analyzer, and 9 out of 10 times you can pretty easily pin point who the traitor is that scanned it.

That aside I would also like to propose that crushers get more attention for mat requirements, because as is they are incredibly piss easy to make and are far more round ending for someone than a saber. Maybe have them require bohrum and uqill to craft due to the crusher's strength and ability to grind down anything.

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RE: [PR] Increases price of CSaber from 18 to 35 materials. - by Drago156 - 04-06-2021, 11:44 AM

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