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borg force shield upgrade needs changes
Just the fact that the borg model doesn't update unless it changes clothes or loses a limb, and as such the shield also doesn't update, is a big issue. I shot myself in the face with a spes-6 today because a borg was running in front of me farting without any fear at all because it had its shield up. And obviously no model to tell me that that was also the case.

I'm not sure whats required to make it, but currently expansion slots require Uqill/Diamond and Cerenkite/Erebite. On Oshan this is painfully easy to do, on spacediner maps it can take an extra five to ten minutes based on RNG.

The shield is very good as a survival mechanic, but the fact that it also reflects shots for free with zero setup on the borgs part is very overpowered. Even c-Sabers need to block. Borgs just need to passively stand in the way and watch as that brand new Heavy LMG nuke op literally kills themselves because the borgs shield is up, not showing, and is impossible to take down.

Messages In This Thread
RE: borg force shield upgrade needs changes - by RGBDeadSilent - 04-01-2021, 07:33 PM

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