Mentor Application
Usual character name: Casey Northey/Slithers-And-Slides (Z.A.P or Archimedes for AI)
BYOND username: Tiresoup
Discord username (if you are on discord): Tiresoup#0001 (my nitro will soon expire and my tag will change)
Recommended by (if applicable): Gerald Bostock
Goon servers you play: Goon 4 Sylvester, Occasionally Goon 2 Bombini
Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):
 I started back on Goon 2 back in october 2020 and I was clueless on what to do. On my first round I thought security would arrest me for just standing near gibs, and even convinced a second person standing near me to come with. I began to branch out, and as I did I both grew as a player and as a character. Now you will find me hanging out with some of the lovely people around Goonstation 4, and on the Goon discord server. More and more often, I see someone ask: “how do I do this” or see the “(insert byond username here) has earned the fish medal”, and love the feeling of being able to help out, especially when I think back to when I was just starting out. When teaching fresh players I make it paramount to keep things interesting. Instead of telling them how to make styptic powder, why not teach them how to make space drugs, and shout hide! When a security officer comes by, to make the steep learning curve easier to handle. I also try to keep things vague, instead of explaining certain dangers, keep it surprising by making a vague joke about something, instead of just straight up saying “I will do my best to make this person as robust as possible” because some of the funniest mishaps come from not knowing everything. I also make it clear to people that I don’t know everything - Just because I know how to run cargo Doesn’t mean I should run my mouth about how to start a stable  hellburn, because if I say just anything about how to do something, things could go horribly wrong. I like to play security and medbay, as it’s where the action is at, and then relax a few rounds as botany or chaplain etc. so that I don’t do poorly as the other departments, where I am in a lot of power. I am applying for mentor because I feel this will open a new, more consistent avenue for me to teach newer players.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None!

Messages In This Thread
Mentor Application - by Tiresoup - 04-01-2021, 04:30 PM
RE: Mentor Application - by Carbadox - 04-01-2021, 10:02 PM
RE: Mentor Application - by Tiresoup - 04-02-2021, 11:20 AM
RE: Mentor Application - by Mrfishstick - 04-03-2021, 11:47 PM

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