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Hey, so, I've been thinking a lot about Robotics. I know a lot has been done with the medical system and you guys probably wanna let it rest for a while, but I'll continue anyway.

You know how you can remove someone's limbs and reattach another person's limbs onto their extremities? Wouldn't it be a lot cooler if you could attach limbs to their wrong extremities? Whenever I'm a roboticist, I cut off all my dead patients' limbs just in case I find a victim(patient*) willing enough to have their limbs changed up. Next, I have myself a Frankenstein monster! The idea of this gets me excited, but I feel there's still something missing. Take this scenario. You're a fun loving roboticist, and you happen to become a traitor! Oh boy, what are you gonna cause? Well, why not flash, straightjacket, and muzzle someone, then bring them to robotics? Yeah, it's been done. Cutting people's limbs off is fun and a somewhat creative way of ending their existence, but it doesn't have to stop there. Say you want to let them live, but you want them to suffer (not unlike a cluwne). What do you do? You attach their arms to their leg sockets and their legs to their arm sockets, of course! Well doesn't that sound just grand?

I think we should go deeper. Severing the brain should not render their body completely useless! We live in advanced times here, people. We should totally be able to mend a guy's brain back to his spinal cord and have him burst back to life. When I'm a roboticist, geneticists are the bane of my existence. I regularly search for bodies to experiment on so that I can have first pick before genetics, because, let's be honest, everyone goes to genetics first. I don't want to have to go to smelly genetics to get a guy cloned so I can see my wonderful creation of Shitty Bill's brain inside Father Jack's skull with various other crewmembers' limbs attached to various extremities.

Please discuss.

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