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Goonstation Monthly Contest: March Edition
Wizard Stop
This one is for competition
and this one i just for gimmick

15u Strawberry Juice
15u Cherry Juice

Description when examine
Illegal Juice in Wizard Federation because of is name and it is rumored that it is produced with real blood from Wizard. Methods of  how one gets blood alive is unknown.

Backstory for Wizard Stop ( for gimmick and RP )

Roboticist named  Hans Stanker  made an expensive borg  with many upgrades . Wizard rampage was taking place and one wizard stormed his lab and infected borg
with him magic fart . Borg exploded , when asked by HoP why did he sabotaged borg and wasted many  material , Hans answered "  That Borg was Infected with magic fart from Wizard " HoP said back " HAHA For many years of Service i never saw or heard about that magic . Dont  make fake excuses for your incompetence
, you are fired. Hans went broke fast . In his  spare time living in his mom s basement he started working on prank for Wizard Federation and  posted  it on SpaceTube . Prank was a fake Video ad for Fart drink that can only on wizard , so that anyone can smell his specific  fart and inform local Nanotrasen Officer about it
Ad was so popular that people actually  order a lot of packages . Hans was happy about it but he had to make a fart drink  .  He somehow made it , using  a complicated Chemicals Written here *REDACTED* he made he made Juice called Wizard Stop , Juice made a lot of Stonks and Cash but Price to produce  that drink 
was also high so Hans decided to leave fart part of drink and to add cola . Fans were pissed but there little assistant brain brain forgot about it soon and Wizard that were jealous made   a legend that wizard used for ad was captured by him and extracted him for blood , thus giving this drink red color. That myth made Wizard stop only even more popular . Wizard Stop made a strong brand and Hans is still making Stonks . Only thing that is a red stain in his business is his partner  named
*REDACTED* who is wanted by Nanotrasen for massive butt Theft . Hans have not made any official statement  on this matter .

Messages In This Thread
RE: Goonstation Monthly Contest: March Edition - by Ick the Third - 03-19-2021, 12:58 PM

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