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[MERGED PR] Mobs entering chutes: Adds actionbar and animation
This is "hot" again (as far as I care).

What're your thoughts on:
  • Remove all interruptability from the action; thematically treat it as someone making a strong leap-and-tuck into the chute - pretty hard to stop someone's midair motion.
  • Keep the animation starting as soon as the click-drag is done.
  • Shorten the animation to 0.2 seconds. My original PR gifs were set to the old delay duration of 0.5 seconds.
  • Open the chute UI once the animation ends. (Same as current behavior)

Messages In This Thread
RE: [PR] Mobs entering chutes: Adds actionbar and animation - by MarkNstein - 03-15-2021, 03:30 PM

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