03-05-2021, 04:40 AM
I strongly disagree with removing all access from the HoS due to them often having to juggle several different cases and issues, with very little time. Even on RP hos is hectic and having to ask to be let in causes a lot of stress and slows down things conciderably. Crew often calls for sec to their departments to come in a hurry and having to wait to be let in can cause situations to either go very badly (people being killed/dying from injuries). Being let in by the AI is not reliable and can often take 30-60 seconds if it happens at all.
In my experience sec and especially hos is mainly Roleplay and talking. It is the main thing we do, and loosing most of the access would remove a lot of those possible interactions with the crew. Just because it's the roleplay server doesn't mean certain departments aren't likely to ignore you, and removing that access won't fix that issue.
I hope I don't sound selfish in this argument, but being able to enter the departments we are supposed to protect adds interactions not just for me but also the people I have to come talk to.
A hos/officer without access would likely be very limited to only public areas, get ignored more often, sometimes give up on cases we need to help out with, loosing out on interaction.
From a roleplay standpoint, I see it fit for HoS to have all access. They are Command staff, equal or higher than the HoP. And while on Paper the captain outranks them, in practise crew will trust the HoS more than anyone else. Even after Captain was made to have strickter requirements, both with removal of most antag roles and having a rounds played requirement, I still feel many of them are unreliable if not detrimental to the station productivity IC. In almost every round I've played as HoS, I feel that everyone looks up to me for help and the final decision in most cases, from Shuttle call, crime punishment, budget matters, demotion/promotion. Including captains.
As for officers, it makes sense to me for them to have less access than the HoS, but still general access to most if not all departments. They are after all, hired to protect the station, the crew, and all the departments. They have a reason to enter departments when someone calls for them. Doing patrolls in departments is arguably not needed, but I do not see it as a problem that warrants removal of the access to be a good sollution.
Sec is important on RP due to the rules saying crew should not deal with crime on their own. Having to wait to be let in does not add fun roleplay to the game, but adds serious frustration. And I have not ever seen having the access to begin with being detrimental to the roleplay, fun of everyone, the story of rounds. I do not have much antag experience the past few years due to turning it off most of the time so I might not have their side of the story. But when I have played Antag, sec being able to come into departments didn't make things any worse for me.
Bringing the RP servers sec access more in line with Main seems detrimental to the gameplay to me, and in fact HoS not having All access on Main was a bit of a shock to me and made me play there less as it made no sense gameplay or lore/roleplay wise.
When I do play other departments than sec or clown, it makes me feel I can trust sec to be more reliable if they have the access. And knowing they don't have it I might end up relying on them less due to the added time it takes to let them in.
In my experience sec and especially hos is mainly Roleplay and talking. It is the main thing we do, and loosing most of the access would remove a lot of those possible interactions with the crew. Just because it's the roleplay server doesn't mean certain departments aren't likely to ignore you, and removing that access won't fix that issue.
I hope I don't sound selfish in this argument, but being able to enter the departments we are supposed to protect adds interactions not just for me but also the people I have to come talk to.
A hos/officer without access would likely be very limited to only public areas, get ignored more often, sometimes give up on cases we need to help out with, loosing out on interaction.
From a roleplay standpoint, I see it fit for HoS to have all access. They are Command staff, equal or higher than the HoP. And while on Paper the captain outranks them, in practise crew will trust the HoS more than anyone else. Even after Captain was made to have strickter requirements, both with removal of most antag roles and having a rounds played requirement, I still feel many of them are unreliable if not detrimental to the station productivity IC. In almost every round I've played as HoS, I feel that everyone looks up to me for help and the final decision in most cases, from Shuttle call, crime punishment, budget matters, demotion/promotion. Including captains.
As for officers, it makes sense to me for them to have less access than the HoS, but still general access to most if not all departments. They are after all, hired to protect the station, the crew, and all the departments. They have a reason to enter departments when someone calls for them. Doing patrolls in departments is arguably not needed, but I do not see it as a problem that warrants removal of the access to be a good sollution.
Sec is important on RP due to the rules saying crew should not deal with crime on their own. Having to wait to be let in does not add fun roleplay to the game, but adds serious frustration. And I have not ever seen having the access to begin with being detrimental to the roleplay, fun of everyone, the story of rounds. I do not have much antag experience the past few years due to turning it off most of the time so I might not have their side of the story. But when I have played Antag, sec being able to come into departments didn't make things any worse for me.
Bringing the RP servers sec access more in line with Main seems detrimental to the gameplay to me, and in fact HoS not having All access on Main was a bit of a shock to me and made me play there less as it made no sense gameplay or lore/roleplay wise.
When I do play other departments than sec or clown, it makes me feel I can trust sec to be more reliable if they have the access. And knowing they don't have it I might end up relying on them less due to the added time it takes to let them in.