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Remove/revamp the Bridge Alert Button and rework Stationwide Alert
Suggestion in the title.

Reason for this is that the bridge alert button has zero mechanical reasoning to exist, outside of RP and only stands to be pressed by your local greytider or mass produced by mechanics and distributed everywhere. (Yes, you can do this, please do not do this if you wish to keep the station intact.)

As it stands, the station alert is shown to be disruptive and shows little purpose maybe otherwise fool new players into thinking that something has gone terribly wrong.

A couple of others (approximately about one other person) and I believe that it should be reworked into a system that Security and the Heads of Staff are able to utilize and to better enforce order in the already chaotic Space Station 13.

Heads of Staff (Preferably only the Captain, HoP, and the HoS.) will be given an application which allows them to initiate a threat level vote which will then be sent to Security Personnel and the rest of the Heads to vote to change the level.

Threat levels in conjunction of notifying staff that a threat exists, also serve as a way to increase access for all personnel depending on the scenario. This makes threat levels a double edged sword for Security as their access grows with the rest of the personnel.

The proposed threat levels and their proposed descriptions are as follows

Code Green - The standard level - The threat has been eliminated/Never existed in the first place, Security Officers are at ease and personnel are encouraged to return to their duties. (Security will only gain access to medical and their own department.)

Code Yellow - The Suspicion level - A threat has been detected on the station. Security are permitted to patrol the station and personnel are encouraged to alert the crew of any trouble. (Security will gain access to departments but not any of its sub-departments for example, toxins or mechanics.)

Code Orange - Suspicion level - Threat has been identified, Security are authorised to search belongings and Departments. (Security access is increased to include sub-departments and the bridge, All personnel gain maintenance access.)

Code Red - THREAT IS UNCONTAINABLE - Threat is found to be overwhelming, Security Personnel are seeking for outside help of containing this threat. (Security access allows armory authorisation and all personnel can access medical equipment.)

Special levels - Because why not

Code Black - Only by HoS/NTSO - All hope is lost, the station is in shambles, godspeed. (ALL personnel get all access, armory only requires one authorisation)

Code Blue - Nanotrasen Cleansing Protocol - Special unit requested, please stand by. (Nanotrasen Special Operatives are "requested" basically a more formal way for admins to spawn NTspecialops, typically used in conjunction of code black???)

Thoughts and feedback appreciated, definitely something to think about, descriptions for the alerts are definitely placeholder.

In addition, Heads of Staff get Security access but not Brig access or Equipment Access on Code Orange

Maybe Basic Department (not including Security) Access for all personnel on Code Red???

Update 1 : AIs should play a role in applying threat levels, forgotten that they existed, another proposed idea is making use of the AI status monitors that were recently released to dictate the threat level.
Courtesy of player Quartz for the idea

Update 1.2 : I am also aware that this can be easily abusable if the PDA of the Head is lost. I proposed using the ID pin serve as the password for the application as a workaround.
Or until someone pays someone to add PDA passwords.

Messages In This Thread
Remove/revamp the Bridge Alert Button and rework Stationwide Alert - by Nihisohel - 03-04-2021, 05:10 AM

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