02-26-2021, 08:29 PM
I think this should have a discussion about.
I feel the way the eye patch works is...silly. You effectively lose half of your screen to be able to click on, which is a weird way to go about it because, One, being blind in one eye just doesn't work that way (Here's a fun experiment. Place your hand flat in front of you, thumb facing you, so that each eye sees either the palm or the back of your hand. Make sure your hand is at a comfortable distance from your nose (i.e., you don't see two right or left hands). Close one of your eyes and see how close to the "center" of your vision your hand is without moving it, and see how much you can see past the side of the hand you can't see. Keep track of objects nearby, so you can more accurately see just how much only one of your eyes can see.) and, two, the vision is taken as if the players eyes work from above them, somehow implying that people can see perfectly either East or West and not at all in the other direction.
There's no way to realistically represent the lack of a single eye due to the top down nature of the game. I think then that the best way to go is to simply reduce the number of tiles the player can see. Make their screen see the game screen similar to how the game looked before the HD screen overhaul. You can make the tiles they wouldn't be able to see act as if they're behind a wall too. This way, the player is at a disadvantage compared to someone with undamaged eyes while not being so debilitated that someone who knows what side their eye is gone from can just walk up and slice a limb off without fear of retaliation.
I feel the way the eye patch works is...silly. You effectively lose half of your screen to be able to click on, which is a weird way to go about it because, One, being blind in one eye just doesn't work that way (Here's a fun experiment. Place your hand flat in front of you, thumb facing you, so that each eye sees either the palm or the back of your hand. Make sure your hand is at a comfortable distance from your nose (i.e., you don't see two right or left hands). Close one of your eyes and see how close to the "center" of your vision your hand is without moving it, and see how much you can see past the side of the hand you can't see. Keep track of objects nearby, so you can more accurately see just how much only one of your eyes can see.) and, two, the vision is taken as if the players eyes work from above them, somehow implying that people can see perfectly either East or West and not at all in the other direction.
There's no way to realistically represent the lack of a single eye due to the top down nature of the game. I think then that the best way to go is to simply reduce the number of tiles the player can see. Make their screen see the game screen similar to how the game looked before the HD screen overhaul. You can make the tiles they wouldn't be able to see act as if they're behind a wall too. This way, the player is at a disadvantage compared to someone with undamaged eyes while not being so debilitated that someone who knows what side their eye is gone from can just walk up and slice a limb off without fear of retaliation.