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Forcefeild upgrades should slow down borgs considerblly
(02-25-2021, 12:15 PM)zjdtmkhzt Wrote: I mean, I'm not opposed to changing the forcefield further, I still think reflecting projectiles in the way it does is kinda dumb, but how would a borg move at high speeds while at the same time smacking the nuke? For that it would need to unscrew it, which is an incredibly risky move.
Just running past it, and slapping it when they can. It pushes the would be nukies out of the way, and thus they cant get a hit on the borg while the borg gets tons of smacks on the nuke

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RE: Forcefeild upgrades should slow down borgs considerblly - by Boxta - 02-25-2021, 01:33 PM

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