02-18-2021, 09:24 PM
Events are on..Thursday at around 11:40~ PM the shift starts.\
Proceeeds to get AA from the "very friendly hop" (hops words) then spends the rest of the shift stealing things from sec and heads of staff selling or hiding them.
This contributes to self antagging as the antags on the station are not being delt with by sec thus resulting in multiple bombings and floodings of the Manta station which results in an early shuttle call by a very stressed out captain.
That's about it really, thanks.
Time was 11:40 pm Thursday... 2/18/2021... Aka Feburary 18th, 2021.
Proceeeds to get AA from the "very friendly hop" (hops words) then spends the rest of the shift stealing things from sec and heads of staff selling or hiding them.
This contributes to self antagging as the antags on the station are not being delt with by sec thus resulting in multiple bombings and floodings of the Manta station which results in an early shuttle call by a very stressed out captain.
That's about it really, thanks.
Time was 11:40 pm Thursday... 2/18/2021... Aka Feburary 18th, 2021.