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Goonstation Monthly Contest: February 2021
Hey everyone and welcome to February!

For this month's contest you shall write a book! But don't panic, it should be a short book, similar in length to the existing in-game books. Try to write something that would fit into the game, it could be a manual to help people with their in-game jobs or a story or something completely different, it's up to you! The books which we'll like the most will likely get added to the book vending machine or to other fitting place (feel free to suggest one for your book).

Submissions will be accepted untilĀ 25th of February.
  • There's no hard limit on the length of the text but try to keep it reasonable compared to existing books in the game.
  • Please also provide the title for your book.
  • If you want some fancy formatting post the book text itself either in the format which is used when writing on paper in-game or in the HTML format if you are familiar with that.
  • Try to put the book text itself into [ spoiler ][ code ]TEXT HERE[/code][/spoiler] tags. (Remove the spaces inside the tags!)
  • Feel free to enter multiple submissions but make clear which one is eligible for contest voting.
  • Also feel free to enter a book you have written before this contest started!

There will be stickers as a reward, as usual!

Good luck! bee

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Goonstation Monthly Contest: February 2021 - by pali6 - 02-06-2021, 02:53 PM

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