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Telerubber and Self counters
Currently, through a bit of RNG through safes, or just hard work from mining, you can very easily make Telerubber. Telerubber has a bunch of nifty and big-brain uses, but as an antagonistic item, its very powerful.

Telerubber is a near on damage random teleport to save yourself, and a near on demand GET OUT spell as if a wizard, but randomly shunting folks away from yourself.

I think Telerubber is far to easy to acquire for the massive benefits you get from it, as such I wish to propose a change, and if anyone else has an opinion on if it should go differently, please post here.

Telerubber failure - Telerubber still works as normal, I shove myself, I random teleport, I shove you, you random teleport. But sometimes, I shove myself, and theres a 5% chance that instead of teleporting myself away, if I said, had a Telerubber gloves, my gloves teleport away to a random tile. They also rip the skin off my body dealing brute and bleeding damage, and arrive at said random tile with a bit of blood. Perhaps add a minor stun effect to the random warp failure as well, maybe 1s or so.

Telerubber keeps all of its main benefits, but it also has an RNG fail chance.

Messages In This Thread
Telerubber and Self counters - by RGBDeadSilent - 01-31-2021, 01:34 AM
RE: Telerubber and Self counters - by Drago156 - 01-31-2021, 11:59 AM

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