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Masked's Rough Ling Rework Concept
(01-22-2021, 09:33 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: I had a hivemind idea

Let the ling inject hivemind memebers into people with a sting. They ride around in them and can report back their whereabouts over hivemind chat.

They could also absorb some of their victims dna at the cost of damaging them.

If someone suspects they have a hivemind meember in them they could remove it somehow (I think it would be fun to tie it with alcohol, with enough booze making you throw them up)

The Hivemind memeber could spend their accumulated DNA to turn into a limb spider and escape, using their hosts limbs.

Absolutely love this, especially if you could choose to chat with your new host for funny rp

Messages In This Thread
RE: Masked's Rough Ling Rework Concept - by Mouse - 10-01-2020, 04:29 AM
RE: Masked's Rough Ling Rework Concept - by Kira - 10-07-2020, 10:12 AM
RE: Masked's Rough Ling Rework Concept - by Wisecrack34 - 01-27-2021, 01:43 PM
RE: Masked's Rough Ling Rework Concept - by Rilor - 01-28-2021, 07:04 AM
RE: Masked's Rough Ling Rework Concept - by Rilor - 04-27-2021, 02:20 PM

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