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A Hodgepodge Rancher QoL & Feature wishlist
I've been playing rancher a lot the past couple days and had a couple things on my mind for making certain aspects of the job more convenient and seen a lot of ideas on the Discord that seem to be generally popular so I thought I'd just list a few as something more formal. If anyone else has something they wanted to tag onto this they can do that too, no worries.

QoL suggestions:
  • Have the rancher's office spawn with a vacuum for clearing old feed outta the pen.
  • Clear out that part with the vending machines just above Botany on Destiny for a chicken pen, just so that it stops bein lumped in with botany proper.
  • Make it so that chemicals contained in foods are maintained while being turned into feed regardless of circumstance - The system we have now is pretty confusing, splicing ipecac and rice and then grinding it removes the chemical while I've heard other sources of food like yellow cake uranium and injected TCH seem to be maintained? 
  • Signifiers for chicken age/hunger/emotional state.
  • The ability to calm down scared or angry chickens through constant petting so you don't fuck everything up forever by accidentally pinning your hens.
  • MAKE BROWN CHICKENS NOT OVERWRITE OTHER WHITE CHICKEN SPECIES OH GOD. I'm not sure if this actually a thing but whenever I try to raise variant chickens and pet my white hens I get nothing but brown eggs and it's infuriating

QoL suggestions specifically associated with making Henks easier to get (I am very adamant that Henks are too hard to consistently get anywhere outside of like a lowpop overflow round although I'm not sure if other people feel the same way):

  • Increase the chance of spawning a rooster if you don't have at least one of the associated species (Getting a white rooster in and of itself takes up to 30ish minutes depending on your luck)
  • Add some sort of flavor text to indicate when a chicken meets special egg/hatching criteria. "The white hen/rooster gets a strange look in their eyes," something like that.
  • Just straight up change the spawning behavior of henks like getting a rooster to sit on a banana cream pie or whoopee cushion or something.

Feature suggestions:

  • Add in some special behavior for possessing soulsteel chickens- Either floating into them directly, or possessing one of their eggs and being hatched by a rooster. This is something that a lot of people talking about chickens on discord talk about experimenting with and they're always disappointed that it doesn't work.
  • Some way of selling off chickens when they're done with them, just to make resetting your pen more feasible in combination with the feed vacuum. My two main ideas for this the Poultry Show, where you warp your chickens away in a box in return for a little bit of money, or a transport pipe going to a small on-station pet shop machine where people can purchase chickens for a little bit of utility or company.
  • Antagonist Rancher items - I was thinking either something that would let you either mindswap into a chicken to take advantage of their combat abilities like fire breath or EMP eggs, or a mindslave chicken module that you could attach to your incubators to turn your chickens aggressive - Maybe accompanied with a whistle to sic your army on people.
  • Add more functionality for the mobs themselves rather than just their eggs. Spicy chickens emitting heat to warm people coming out of a vacuum, void chickens having a gravitational pull or deleting small amounts of air in their vicinity, etc etc.


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A Hodgepodge Rancher QoL & Feature wishlist - by Gremy - 01-20-2021, 10:58 PM

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