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[PR] Make NTSO only available if a HoS has joined the round
I think some of these issues stem from how NTSO was first designed and originally added at the very start. Before it got made a serious role it was a job for culling greytide during the ssethtide. I'm not sure what the expectations were for adding a role with assault armor and only lethals, but of course it's going to be ugly when the only option is to shoot someone dead, this only got WORSE with the security equipment restriction change that locked all stun equipment behind tokens and vendors, though NTSO could still get a token from Cargo so not too big a deal sometimes, until NTSO lost that access.

I think honestly that the Signifier II has been the best step in the right direction for NTSO, offering a non-lethal method to take people down and also the removal of the ammo pouch in favor of a standard security pouch, providing cuffs. Both of these combined actually promote arresting people over killing them and to be a security officer instead of a vigilante. (Yes I know I'm excluding the baton, and that's purposeful because of how impractical it is during any sort of ranged encounter.) However, despite these changes the NTSO still retains lethal capabilities that standard sec and even the HoS doesn't have access to at all. This kind of thing is VERY VALUABLE because of standard security's lack of practical or effective lethals where lethals are the most necessary step in handling a threat.

I think it's important to make a clear distinction now that security is a vastly different experience between non-RP and RP, and arguably it's not quite fair to compare the two and say one is right over the other in most situations.

NTSO is a good role for late joining, and I don't think completely barring it if there's no HoS at all is the best solution here. I personally pick NTSO generally if the round is over 20-25 minutes in or if I feel like playing security but expect someone else to sign on as HoS, both of these depending on if I even plan to play security at all.

Perhaps limiting NTSO to only be selectable after 20 minutes has passed OR if the emergency alert button has been pushed before the 20 minutes has passed would be a better solution. It would still retain that HoS is an important role to fill, at least in the beginning portion of a round, but still maintains NTSO as a latejoin and supporting role that doesn't force one into playing HoS and attempting to gather information about what has happened so far while still demanding the attention to direct and teach the security team and dealing with the stress there of.

I think an important factor to consider is mentors getting access to both HoS and NTSO on fridays. I think the idea itself was good but so far the execution and usage has been poor. It came up in discord to remove mentor friday and I think this isn't a terrible idea. I know a few mentors that never play security but rarely play HoS and quite often play NTSO during fridays. I've also seen multiple questionable or not okay things displayed with these people when they do this and it feels like a undermining of the reason for having an HoS whitelist.

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RE: [PR] Make NTSO only available if a HoS has joined the round - by Drago156 - 01-16-2021, 10:48 AM

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